
1. 视频长度不得超过20分钟。可接受多种格式的视频,包括:mp4、flash视频(.flv)、MPEG(MPEG视频文件)、DVD视频格式、mov、avi和wmv格式。建议视频编码采用 H.264/mp4,音频编码采用AAC。

2. 屏幕比例设为4:3或16:9(宽屏)均可。视频必须质量良好,画面分辨率最低为1280*720。 帧速率不低于25帧/秒,比特率不低于5Mbps。

3. 作者所提交的材料不得含有患者具体信息,并应遵循“医疗保险便携性和责任法案”(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPPA)。例如,患者姓名或医院识别码不得出现在视频所含的X光片、幻灯片或胶片中。如果作者不是视频部分内容(艺术性插图、书籍图片、照片、漫画、音乐等)的版权持有人,必须从版权持有人处获得发布上述项目的许可。

4. 不得在视频中插入音乐,除非作者在提交视频的同时,附上音乐出版机构的书面许可,允许我们在互联网上重新发布该音乐。


视频文件可通过 www.wetransfer.com 提交。上传过程中请不要关闭窗口。请注意,免费提交每个文件的不得超过2GB。如果您提交的文件大于此限制,请将文件分成多个段,文件名称以正确的顺序标记。亦可采用Dropbox,邮箱等其他途径提交。


Submit Multimedia Files

Submit your multimedia files directly to our editorial office via www.wetransfer.com.

For fast uploads please attach your file(s) as compressed zip. files. Before submit your multimedia files, please check the following points.

1) All the multimedia files limited to 20 minutes are in mp4, flash video (flv.), MPEG, DVD video format, mov., avi., and mwv. formats or video on CD/DVD.
2) Please set the video aspect ratio as 4:3 or 16:9 (widescreen). The original video should be of high quality. The resolution is no less than 1280*720, the frame rate no less than 24 frames per second and the bit rate no lower than 5Mbps.
3) The logo or watermark of hospital should not be stick on the screen. Plus, the information of patients should be erased from the video.
4) The legends for the video should be provided. The video should be number consecutively in the order of reference in the text.

Once upload has been initiated, do not close the window until you have received on screen confirmation that your upload has been successful. Please note that the maximum size of each file has a limit of 2GB. If your file(s) for submission are greater than this limit, please divide the file into multiple segments, with the file names labelled in the correct order.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: .