
Analysis of Optic Coherence Tomography for Congenital Macular Retinoschisis

	author = {Binbin Wu 和 Juan Deng 和 Rulong Gao 和 Shuying He 和 Cuiqun Yao 和 Jinglin Zhang},
	title = {Analysis of Optic Coherence Tomography for Congenital Macular Retinoschisis},
	journal = {眼科学报},
	volume = {26},
	number = {2},
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Purpose:To investigate the pathological characteristics of congenital macular retinoschisis by optic coherence tomography (OCT).Methods:The data of 7 cases(14 eyes) with congenital macular retinoschisis were collected.Electroretinogram (ERG),fundus fluorecein angiography (FFA) and OCT examination were performed,respectively.Results:The OCT images showed schisis cavity in all eyes.Schisis was confined to the fovea and parafovea in 2 eyes (1 patient).Schisis was involved in entire macular area in 12 eyes (6 patients).Inner nuclear layer (INL) schisis was seen in all eyes.Schisis was located at both INL and outer nuclear layer.(ONL)/outer plexiform layer (OPL) in 2 of the 14 eyes.Besides the schisis cavity,small cysts within ganglion cell layer were found in 3 eyes.The small cysts were confined to parafoveal area.The OCT images of both eyes in one patient were similar but not exactly the same or symmetrical.Conclusion:Morphology,extension and schisis location in congenital macular retinoschisis have respective diversities.},
	url = {https://ykxb.amegroups.com/article/view/3712}