
A Case of Secondary Glaucoma due to Bilateral Anterior Chamber Shallowing Caused by Marfan′s Syndrome

	author = {Chengguo Zuo 和 Fenfen Yu 和 Mei Li 和 Yi Sun 和 Xing Liu},
	title = {A Case of Secondary Glaucoma due to Bilateral Anterior Chamber Shallowing Caused by Marfan′s Syndrome},
	journal = {眼科学报},
	volume = {26},
	number = {2},
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Purpose:To report the clinical manifestations and treatment of a case of secondary glaucoma evolving from bilateral anterior chamber flattening caused by Marfan′s syndrome. Methods:The ophthalmic and systemic features,B-scan and UBM characteristics were recorded.Therapy and efficacy were analyzed. Results:Marfans syndrome,in this case,caused bilateral iris-lens diaphragm anterior dislocation,anterior chamber flattening, pupillary block, angle closure,and finally resulted in persistent increased intraocular pressure (IOP). After undergoing pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy combined with anterior chamber reformation, the visual acuity of the patient’s right eye increased from 6/150 to 6/7.5.(best-corrected) and that of the left eye was improved from 6/100 to 6/10 (best-corrected). The IOP of the right eye fell to 18 mm Hg, and the left eye to 12 mm Hg. Conclusion:Marfan′s syndrome can cause bilateral anterior chambers flattening,and induce secondary angle closure glaucoma.Combined pars plana vitrectomy, lensectomy and anterior chamberplasty can re-form the anterior chamber, control IOP and maintain visual function.},
	url = {https://ykxb.amegroups.com/article/view/3720}